Blanks, Flylines & Accessoires

The Soulmate Glassline was specifically developed for the soulmate glassic blank series. Of course its working well on all other fiberglass or graphite rods…
Available via MB Customrods

The Soulmate Glassic unidirectional EGlass blanks have been developed for the most common modern trout and grayling fishery on small to medium sized streams. Available in exclusive colors and configurations from 2wt – 5wt and 7ft-8ft.
Available via MB Customrods

Soulmaterods fly tying tools are made of blank butt excess cut off from my studio build rods… I use fiberglass, nickle silver and brass, machined and assembled in the workshop. They give you a subtile feel of luxury on your tying desk… Single tools from 65€ matching sets of dubbing needle and whip finisher from 100€
Contact me with interest!

The Soulmate FISH PSYCHO Logo Tees are now available for all of those who want to show off their passion on or beside the bankside…
Available via MB Customrods

The Soulmate SMR Logo Tees are now available for all of those who want to show off their passion on or beside the bankside, but are more eger to a subtile style…
Available via MB Customrods

For all coffee junkies…Soulmaterods two tone coffee mugs to start your day in style…
Available via MB Customrods

Nothing turns over a tippet and fly like our Soulmaterods Furled Leaders. They land like a feather, and no rooster-tailing when you lift it off the water. These are the tightest, strongest, most powerful, most accurate, best casting leaders on the planet.
Available via MB Customrods

The new Soulmaterods Chameleon ESN Blanks are outcome of an intense and proper R&D amongst some Euronymphing professionals. Light, respnsive and durable they will fit ESN newbies as experienced anglers as well.
Available via MB Customrods

For all Window shoppers, landmarket pilgrims, trout lovers and soulmaterod homewater enthusiasts, we now have this 100% made of hemp shopping tote bag with a SMR Homewater print on it!
Available via MB Customrods